Week 8 - Week 12
20/10/2022 - 17/11/2022
Leong Jiahui / 0353469
Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media
RES60604 / Design Research Methodology
Project 3: Primary Research
Visual Research & Questionnaire Drafts
WEEK 8 (20/10/2022)
This task was honestly a lot more exciting than everything we’ve done so far. At least I’m hopeful and enthusiastic about it. With the cycle of events we’ve seen time and time again throughout the module, I still never learn.
It was very interesting to look into potential research methods and figure out what suited mine most. It feels like the action is finally happening, in a way. 8 weeks in, I think I’m more familiar and accustomed to academic research in general. Primary Research plan:
The visual analysis / observational studies was a fun time…NOT. It was tougher than I imagined trying to analyse all the cultural elements and references in the character designs without coming off too presumptuous, especially when I have no real way of verifying if any of my analysis was in fact the game developers’ intention
Regardless, I learned more about these cultures in 2 days than I’ve ever had my entire life, so the experience was a nett positive.
Creating the questionnaire was a tricky process but sitting myself down to really think about what I wanted to know from others on my research was a refreshing take on my own research that I’ve been working on for the past 2 months.
Visual Analysis Draft:
Questionnaire Draft:
WEEK 10 (3/11/2022)
It’s fulfilling when people take the time out to participate in your survey. I’ve learned a lot about how to properly design unbiased survey questions and to fully utilize the linear scale to my advantage. And while there are still mistakes in the questionnaire, it’s also important to be able to adapt and make the best of what I have.
Primary Research Drafts
WEEK 11(10/11/2022)
The analysis was a difficult process as I am unsure of how deep the analysis should go. If these people said no, who are these people? Are they of a certain age group? Are they seasoned gamers or people who barely play games? How does that factor into their answer to the question? There are SO MANY things to consider and I felt burnt out every time I attempted to analyse. The final few weeks of the semester give you a full course of stress and anxiety for real.
Though analysing did help me realize my questionnaire’s weaknesses and potential improvements to be made in future research.
Week 11 Assignment 3- Primary Research 1st Submission:
WEEK 12(17/11/2022)
Another week is another step closer to sem break. I just realized how unserious all of my reflections and experiences are in the reflection sheet. Not sure if that’s going to be a problem for my research reflection report the marks of the reflection sheet, for that matter.
I’ll be honest. DRM was not my priority this week. The end of the semester also means a tsunami of deadlines, unfortunately.
This week of analysing my qualitative data is interesting. I was surprised to see how detailed some of the respondents described their experiences on the subject in the open-ended questions. Reading others’ perspectives on the matter was a very insightful experience.
Final Outcome
WEEK 8 (20/10/2022)
WEEK 9 (27/10/2022)
add research problem and research question into the primary research plan
Culture is very broad, narrow down the cultural context
Add “With reference to Genshin Impact” in the title
random sampling allows for more data collected
Create sections for qualifying
Names must be capitalised
Study whether the questions are relevant
Reasoning for choosing each character
Have questionnaire prepared by next week so data can be collected immediately
Study the value of each question, and determine whether it will lose the interest of participants
ideal participants is 100 and above, but minimum 80
WEEK 10 (3/11/2022)
number the questions
Wider range for older age group
More variable in duration
Liquid scale to avoid bias
If they say no, do something about it
Check my grammar
Putting on liquid scale will be more effective
WEEK 11(10/11/2022)
see the target audience for Genshin Impact
Similarities in answer, categorize and describe accordingly
Data from open-ended is qualitative data, but a survey is a quantitative instrument
Look into checklist guidelines for visual analysis (the parameters)
Conclusion, guided on whose opinion
WEEK 12(17/11/2022)
lots of thinking & reflection needs to be done after the primary research. We are still amateur researchers and it’s a learning curve, don’t be too hard on ourselves.
Conducting a pilot study is very useful when constructing a questionnaire.
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