Design Research Dissertation Project 1: Draft Dissertation

 Week 1 - Week 7
3/4/2023 - 21/5/2023
Leong Jiahui / 0353469
Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media
Project 1: Draft Dissertation 

Weekly Progression Sheet


WEEK 1 (3/4/2023)
  • Retrieve notes from MyTIMeS / Microsoft Teams
  • Organised the format of the draft dissertation
  • Read the MIB thoroughly 
  • Started drafting the Literature Matrix
  • Completed 1st draft of Literature Matrix and identified potential subheadings
Why pass the module when you can pass away? After building what seems to be the first draft of my Literature Matrix from my critical review and identifying the potential subheadings, I decided to revisit my 5 articles. Like, for real this time instead of just referring to the notes I made during DRM. The outline posted on Google Classroom had a detailed guide on how to construct a Literature Review, and it wouldn't hurt to reread the articles to make my upcoming Literature review more comprehensive.

Literature Matrix W1:

WEEK 2 (10/4/2023)

  • Watch the supplementary lecture video on Developing Effective Study Skills II: Critical Thinking & Enquiry
  • Perform Task on Google Classroom - Assignment 1 (continue with The writing of Draft Dissertation)
  • Revised Literature Matrix and identified sub-headings
  • Reread the 5 articles chosen
  • Completed the first draft for the Literature review
This week has been hectic with orientation events that I only started doing my Literature review on Saturday, so… Not my best work. Trying to revise the sub-headings from last week’s progress was a challenge, and I’m honestly a bit lost on my direction. It could be the burnout and exhaustion, though. I managed to pull together a literature review anyway, will get feedback and revise it asap.

Literature Matrix W2:

Draft Dissertation W2: 

WEEK 3 (17/4/2023)
  • Retrieved and reviewed notes on writing Methodoloy from Google classroom
  • Written the introduction section of the draft dissertation
  • Started drafting the methodology section of the draft dissertation
  • revised the literature review based on given feedback 
I found the research methodology section to be slightly easier to write compared to other sections, perhaps because of how many parts can just be copied from the primary research part in DRM. 

Draft dissertation W3 (Introduction & Literature Review)  

WEEK 4 (24/4/2023)
  • Completed research methodology section draft 
  • Retrieve notes from Google Classroom on writing the results and findings. 
  • Started drafting the Results and Findings section of the draft dissertation 
Okay turns out the supposed easier part was actually just me being delusional, cause of course there’s more to it what was I thinking. Tried my best to make necessary revisions to the methodology section and making sure no details are missed. Starting to worry about the looming deadline 😀

WEEK 5 (1/5/2023)
  • Completed research methodology section revision
  • Completed draft of Results & FIndings ( Visual Analysis)
  • Started drafting Results & FIndings ( Survey)
  • Retrieve notes from Google Classroom on writing the results and findings. 
  • Started drafting the Results and Findings section of the draft dissertation 
I am honestly not sure if the findings section is supposed to be formatted like that, but I tried drafting it out anyway, hopefully the revisions wouldn’t be too brutal. Also unsure how to write the discussions when some discussion points are already included in findings but I’ll worry about it after the feedback session. The holidays contributed to not a lot progress and lot of procrastination, gotta buckle up and get back on track soon. 

W4-W5 Dissertation Draft

W5 Findings

WEEK 6 (8/5/2023)
  • Completed Findings section: survey
  • Completed discussion section
  • completed introduction section 
I caught up with the findings and discussion section! The things one can do when under immense stress. 
There was some difficulty in meeting the word count of the discussion in the beginning. Really tried elaborating everything as much as possible. Also wrote out the entire “future research direction” part thinking it was part of the discussion only to realise after that it was a section on its own :D Thank godness it wasn’t a big hit to the word count.

W6 Dissertation Draft

WEEK 7 (15/5/2023)
  • drafted abstract
  • drafted conclusion
  • drafted acknowledgement 
  • revised introduction
  • completed table of contents, table of figures & appendix
  •  formatted and made final revisions to the draft dissertation
  • submitted the draft dissertation 
This has got to be one of the most stressful weeks of my uni life. I swear I will never procrastinate again(not true probably).  There was an unexpected challenge with formatting the dissertation because google docs wasn’t a strong enough platform, so I had to migrate everything to microsoft word, which caused a hell lot of alignment mishaps and even then I still had problems trying to generate the list of figures and tables. Multiple youtube tutorials later nothing helped, so I ended up making them manually. The deadline was literally the night itself, so desperate times call for desperate measures. I tried my best with the time I have, and am glad its done and over with. 

W7 Dissertation Draft

Final Dissertation Draft


WEEK 1 (3/4/2023)
General feedback:
  • utilize Mendeley to refresh ourselves on the articles reviewed in DRM
  • adhere to the deadlines and guidelines posted on google classroom to avoid snowballing work
  • Work towards deriving writings from previous DRM assignments to make dissertation draft more comprehensive

WEEK 2 (10/4/2023)
General feedback:
Specific feedback:
  • Identify themes based on each article 
  • Best to have an overview of the whole sheet instead of separating them. 
  • The working title is too long and confusing, advised revising
  • Add a Findings & Conclusion section for every article 
  • Subheadings feedback:
  • Suggested to put ‘youth & video games’ first
  • Group cultural elements together 
  • Character design should be its own big topic
  • Have Cultural expression as its own big topic, with awareness-related topics under it.

WEEK 3 (17/4/2023)
General feedback:
  • elaborate more on comparisons between articles
  • have some arguments
Specific feedback:
  • Not necessarily have to be critical in a sense of ‘agree or disagree’. Can make comparison between similar points and connecting each article 
  • Do not use ‘introduction’ in literature review to avoid confusion with previous section. Suggests to use ‘overview’ instead
  • Paragraphs do not have to be long 
  • More citations (ibid)
  • Revisit it and weave in details & elaborate more critically, especially when it comes to parts where it’s still vague

WEEK 4 (24/4/2023)

General feedback:

  • Analyze and interpret 

Specific feedback: 

  • Make it clear that the reader can understand without looking at the raw instruments 

  • Can justify survey questions by sections (in detail)

  • Personalize everything based on our own research 

  • Limitations on methods only (sampling, instruments, designed) discussion part is general overall as a whole (all sections) 

  • check grammar 

  • Citations on why visual analysis ( and survey) is good from method gurus (sometimes from social sciences)

  • research design, research sampling, research instrumentations 

  • Add flowcharts to assist explanations 

  • Make it VERY descriptive for the entire flow of the process 

  • Conceptual framework 

  • Revisit in terms of explicitness and descriptiveness to the maximum 

  • State significance of each source (eg:unesco

WEEK 6 (8/5/2023)
  • discussion should focus on the research objective and question 
  • Analysis is different from discussion 
  • Discussion is a compare and contrast on whether the findings can answer the objectives & questions & hypothesis, as well as between findings & literature review 
  • 1st part of findings should relate back to methodology 
  • Elaborate on the findings and have a summary conclusion 
WEEK 7 (15/5/2023)
  • include links, screenshots in appendix
  • Refer to Jonathan’s re-recording for notes on sound dissertation
