Week 8 - Week 13
29/5/2023 - 2/7/2023
Leong Jiahui / 0353469
Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media
Project 2: Final Dissertation & Visual Design Publication
Weekly Progression Sheet
WEEK 8 (22/5/2023)
fig 1.1 mood board 1 |
WEEK 9 (29/5/2023)
finalized on design direction for assignment 2 ( font, colour palette, graphics)
Did more research on editorial layouts
Started doing layout design for pages
Editorial pages give me PTSD of typography, but I tried anyway, with a lot of struggles. It was difficult to focus on cultural aspects as my research was not focused on any specific culture, just culture in general. I also wanted to incorporate video game aspects into the design if possible. Admittedly, I was starting out with quite a jumbled concept that is not very solid to execute
WEEK 10 (5/6/2023)
- finalised design direction
- drafted overall layout
Decided to go for a retro newspaper style that depicts Chinese/Japanese aesthetics. The chosen cultures are mainly due to the fact that the selected characters in my visual analysis are based on those 2 cultures. It was a challenge relearning InDesign, and overall a struggle to design editorial layouts since it was never my strong suit. However, the feeling of achievement after getting the hang of Indesign, and sometimes discovering ways to make things easier was unmatched. I actually quite enjoyed the process upon reflection.
WEEK 11 (12/6/2023)
- transferred sections 1-6 to InDesign and began with the body text layout
- work on visual publication layout
- transferred all figures and tables into InDesign
After getting the hang of the design direction, I was progressing at a steady pace. I wanted to go with and having a set of assets I can use, the process was easier. It was interesting to play around with different layouts. My style was stuck to a more traditional and consistent one, experimental layout designs looked off to me for some reason. I’m thankful that the deadline was extended so I could polish it better for submission.
WEEK 12 (19/6/2023)
The deadline extension was much needed… I barely made it to the deadline. This visual design publication assignment proved to be much more challenging than I initially thought. After struggling my way through the design, it turned out that a font I was using was copyrighted and wasn’t allowed to be exported as an ebook. Thank goodness it was a title font and not the body text, or we would have a lot of problems. A lot of technical issues popped up throughout the process, from designing to exporting, but I’m glad I made it in time.
WEEK 13 (26/6/2023)
Went through the feedback for the draft dissertation
revised draft dissertation for Final Dissertation
Submitted Final Dissertation
Revising the Final Dissertation has been incredibly challenging, as there is a lot of paraphrasing and re-paraphrasing that needs to be done, because I simply do not remember which part has been referenced and which part has not, and which part was worded similarly to the original source and which has not. Even after trying my best, the similarity index was unfortunately still fairly high, but honestly, I have no idea how Turnitin evaluates anything because many names of IPs were highlighted alongside many generic wordings. I hope it would not be too big of a deal, though nothing can be changed at this point as there is only one submission allowed. I’m just glad to finally complete this assignment.
Visual Design
Final Dissertation
Turnitin Submission
WEEK 9 (29/5/2023)
- working title, put Genshin impact?
- consistent colour of the band, what in the mood board is kind of what is expected
- Recall design principle theories and how to articulate those theories into practice
- character design is fluid
- How much culture can be implemented and represented, in terms of fonts?
- The colour palette can be different for different sections
- Consider existing layouts
- be more specific when searching
- Make sure the overall look and feel are consistent
- observe publication books
- focus on design decisions and layouts for this week
- Do not use Illustrator for publication, use Indesign
- design charts as well
- look into page number design
WEEK 11 (12/6/2023)
- better hierarchy of cover. Video game character design lines can be a better focus
- no paragraph can be heavy as one column. Add some paragraphs/ columns
- 12pt is ok for A4
- Edit kerning
- Look up some new/ modern table of contents layouts
- looks more sporty/contemporary than culturally inclined
- need more cultural representation
- Look up more irregular Japanese waves
- some graphical elements are too consistent.
- Can add some unbalance/uneven elements
WEEK 12 (19/6/2023)
Turnitin Submission
Draft Dissertation
inconsistency on spelling (British & US)
Problem statement, RORQ, need elaboration
Change conclusion to summary instead and leave only the main conclusion as conclusion
Visual Design Publication
-no need to be too consistent w background colour
-Bigger column
-Unjustified is fine. No need to be too consistent
-sans serif fonts work better together.
WEEK 13 (26/6/2023)
Draft dissertation feedback:
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