Anatomy & Character Sculpture: Exercises

Week 1 - Week 10
4/4/2023 - 
Leong Jiahui / 0353469
Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media


Lecture & Tutorial

WEEK 1 (6/4/2023)
This week, we had a tutorial with Mr Kannan on the fundamentals of Zbrush after the module briefing. We were tasked to explore and experiment with everything zbrush. Here's the shenanigans I made in class. 
fig 1.1.1 The antichrist I think (6/4/2023)

fig 1.1.2 she's everything, he's just ken (6/4/2023)

I know these aren't taking me anywhere, hence I chose 2 more subjects to practice and explore zbrush on my own time. Knowing my non-existent skill level, I chose simple characters, namely Finn & Jake from adventure time. 
fig 1.1.3 zbrush practice (10/4/2023)

fig 1.1.4 Finn the human (10/4/2023)
My only issue with this is the cylinder being...pointy. 

fig 1.1.5 skeletal study (18/4/2023)

WEEK 2 (13/4/2023)
-dissect the skeletal system w basic shapes, mark landmarks of 
-sculpt skeletal system w basic shapes
-interlock pivot is to form (an anchor point to rotate, ? degrees rotation, ? axis etc) - understand joint  functionalities 

fig 1.2.1 Skeleton sculpting progress (19/4/2023) 

fig 1.2.2 it's Honda-san! (19/4/2023)

fig 1.2.3 sculpting practice (20/4/2023)

WEEK 3 (20/4/2023)
Exercise 1
-block out skeletal shapes of different poses 
-try sculpting out said poses 
-have the character design ready by the next class

This week, we were taught the basics of muscles and anatomy, and how to block them out from various poses. It will be our exercise to study and block out the muscles this week. 
fig 1.3.1 anatomy lecture (20/4/2023)
Next, we were given a tutorial on how to sculpt the basic features of a face. 
fig 1.3.2 zbrush tutorial (20/4/2023)
Here's how it ended up looking. It's... well, it's a monkey. And not the good type lol.

fig 1.3.3 W3 head sculpting (24/4/2023)

WEEK 4 (27/4/2023)
  • study muscles 
  • explore IMM brush and polygroups 
  • update character design

fig 1.4.1 Week 4 muscle and skeleton structure lecture (27/4/2023)

WEEK 6 (11/5/2023)
  • do muscle studies (bulging & stretching forms) simplified
  • honestly idek anymore 
fig 1.6.1 colouring demo (11/5/2023)
bush for inflate-- b,I 

WEEK 9 (1/6/2023)
project all (in subtool section) to remain details after zremeshing (detail layer on top of zremeshed ver) 

Final Outcome: Exercises 


WEEK 4 (27/4/2023)
The side profile requires more work, especially the jawline is a bit off. Continue to practice.


I promise to take more screenshots of my working process in the future. I used to write my blog while I work on my projects...until I didn't. These weekly exercises have been very interesting to explore and are very helpful and beginner friendly. However, moving forward, I should start making notes of each new thing we learn so I can always refer back and know what's going on because my goldfish memory ain't it. The exercises was overall a very good introduction to sculpting and while it is challenging to learn, I enjoyed it deeply. Here's to a great semester with this module! 
