Vehicle and Prop Design: Final Project

Week 12 - Week 15
20/6/2023 - /7/2023
Leong Jiahui / 0353469
Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media
Final Project: Post-Production


WEEK 13 (27/6/2023)
For Project 3, we are required to sculpt a chosen part of our vehicle, either the interior or exterior of the vehicle. I chose the exterior of course, and got to work with Blender. Sir taught us a lot of cool tricks including bevel and mirroring, which helped a lot in my sculpting process. 

One beginner rookie mistake is me using the duplicate tool to make the planks instead of a one-tap array, so needless to say my jaw dropped when I found out about the method. Sir suggested that I give the model more details, more dimensions and round some sharp edges to make the overall look more polished.

fig 1.1 Blender process
WEEK 14 (4/7/2023)

After finishing up the details, I mirrored the vehicle. I initially had issues with the mirroring due to the mirroring point being misplaced, but thank god for Google and the discussion threads on this exact problem for existing, because it saved me when I was on the brink of insanity. Even my friend in animation who uses Blender often wasn't able to help me, but a random internet user xxx did. 

SO we are moving on! I followed a youtube tutorial to make my ramen bowl, and that tutorial involved baking (which in all honesty, I still have no idea what it is), but in that tutorial, when the button is pressed their noodle curls and falls into the bowl in a satisfying motion. Mine falls through the bowl, through the truck and into oblivion. After hours of trying and failing, I switched to another tutorial, which does not involve baking. 
My noodles ended up looking more like udon than ramen, but OH WELL. They're noodles. 
fig 2.1 noodles not noodling 

With my bowl of ramen completed, I placed it onto the truck. Here's how its looking: 
fig 2.2 ramen mobile sculpting outcome W14
After feedback, it is encouraged that we add in the big details of the interior, like the main objects we can vaguely see from the outside. Hence, I added in some parts like the side cat-ear speakers and the steering wheel. Honestly, I liked it better without it.

WEEK 15 (11/7/2023)

I hate the fact that we are having a week 15, but we gotta do what we gotta do. Grinding my final outcome today! By using the sculpted model as a base, I will be painting over it to create my final poster and presentation showcase deck. 

fig 3.1 sculpture to be traced over

I tried using overlay or soft light and other blending modes to colour over the model, but it just didn't produce the effect I wanted, so I proceeded with the next most logical step- tracing over the sculpture as the line art and doing project 1 again, except this time with (supposedly) cleaner outcome and better perspectives.
fig 3.2 lineart 
Nothing much to say here besides I was supposed to finish this on Sunday. Today is Wednesday. I am ashamed of myself but the grind continues. 

fig 3.3 render process


fig 4.1 final outcome exterior 

fig 4.2 final outcome interior

fig 4.3 final outcome props
fig 4.4 3d sculpting 


WEEK 13 (27/6/2023)
  • base is solid 
  • give the model more details 
  • add more depth and extrusion 
  • polish the final by adding materials & texture to the final render 

WEEK 14 (4/6/2023)
  • max deadline is 17 
  • paint over the 3d base 
  • enhance the rendering 
  • enhance the model with details like screws & nuts 
  • keep the mesh vertices lesser so it is easier to manipulate 
  • adding more segments will make it smoother when subdividing 
  • floor grids can off/scale if it hinders process
  • multi-res mostly only applicable when we wanna sculpt it. normal meshes, subdivide-smoothen will usually do the trick
  • line can also be extruded 


Finishing this module gave me more of a numbing feeling than a sense of accomplishment. Spending more than half the semester on the same project was a journey and throughout the process, I've learned plenty of skills. From being a blender noob to a blender novice It's not a lot, but it's something. Being unfamiliar with digital drawing in the beginning of the semester and now drawing even my personal projects on my iPad is a huge change that this module may or may not have played a part in contributing. Vehicles is something I don't ever envision myself doing, but after this module, I'm having ideas to start drawing vehicles for my characters. 

It's best to start polishing up my blender and perspective skills over the holidays, but seeing how jam-packed my sem break will be, I'm honestly not very optimistic. However, I will reflect on all the projects and exercises done this semester, and continue to expand my visual library. Another module done! xoxo
