Environment Design Project 2

Week 10 - Week 15
31/10/2023 - 5/12/2023
Leong Jiahui / 0353469
Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media
Project 2: Interior and Set Design


Project 2: Interior and Set Design

WEEK 10 (31/10/2023)

  • interior 4 areas 
  • polish up exterior 
This week, I worked on the interior sketches. I broke down my building and chose 4 main sections I could draw. I liked the sushi bar most, but the rest felt more fitting to the main theme of my building, which is a bath house. 
fig 10.1 interior sketches


  • Think about duplicate-able elements to be implemented
  • 2 & 4 looks good for 3D
  • add some colours 
  • block out 
  • think about the blueprint/ floorplan 
  • final needs 1 polished exterior & 1 polished interior 

WEEK 11 (7/11/2023)


  • 3D blockout of interior 
  • 3D blockout of exterior
  • polish up interior 
fig 11.1 Project content and expectations 

This week, I worked on blocking out the interior in Blender. I am hoping to be able to work on all 4, with my focus on either the main hall or the sushi bar. With these 3D models, I will be able to sketch out the locations and approach the perspectives and lighting better. 

fig 11.2.1 Main Hall sculpt

fig 11.2.2 suites sculpt

fig 11.2.3 Sushi bar sculpt
  • Think about the scale and functionality of the mechanisms 
  • Think about painting over the 3D model 
  • tie everything together with a narrative 
  • do 3 variations of objects/chairs 
WEEK 12 (14/11/2023)


  • add textures 
  • add colours
This week, I started working on the 4th and final location sculpting, the sauna. I kept the designs simple to get the overall look and feel of the location. I looked up tutorials on how to sculpt the rocks and later realised that I could've just taken it from Sketchfab. Anyways, I can sculpt rocks now.
fig 12.1.1 Sauna sculpting progress
Based on the initial floorplan, the indoor sauna will connect to an outdoor one, so there are door openings and stairs all around for people to exit to the outdoors. 
fig 12.1.2 sauna 3D sculpting 
After a lot of contemplation, I still find the sushi bar to be my favourite indoor location. I started working on expanding the location a bit more and corrected the scale so it is more logical. I added an additional seating area and a kitchen. I will be focusing on polishing this location for my final.
fig 12.1.3 Sushi bar extension 
Moving on, I started adding base colours to the model. I am planning to paint over the details like posters and details manually.  
fig 12.2.1 Base colours progress
  • make the frame thinner 
  • take note of the thick objects. thick objects indicate big in size
  • put a 3d person inside 
  • sauna colour 
  • add more character, details and props
  • add pillars 

Final Outcome 

Project 2: Interior and Set Design


This project has been an overall positive experience. I never anticipated myself to fall in love with 3D but here I am. Adjusting and planning with 3D is so convenient and quick I have been reborn and embraced a new way of life. However, I might've overestimated myself and went overboard with the number of rooms I wanted to work on. For the final, I will pick one as my focus so I don't overwork myself and neglect my other assignments. 
